
Running VirGA

We are now going to run the VirGA pipeline. The first thing we should do is move into a folder that we are ok with VirGA using. When we execute VirGA it will create it’s own file system. Consequently it is generally good practice to create a new folder in which to run VirGA. However this is of course not a required step, it is only recommended. The pipeline can be run in any directory.

Step 1:

  • We just executed the build script. This creates our file system.

Step 2:

  • cd VirGA_Pipeline_Directory
  • We just moved into the VirGA Pipeline Directory. We will use the folders and files in here

Step 3:

  • cd x_contaminants
  • cp /file_path_way_of_contaminants_you_want_to_control_for .
  • Moving the genome files (.fa or .fa.2.bt2) of potential contaminates into the x_contaminants directory

Step 4:

  • cd ..
  • cd x_inputs
  • cp /file_path_way_of_output_from_sequencer_that_you_want_to_create_a_genome_from .
  • Moving the output files (.fastq) from the sequencer in to the x_input directory

Step 5:

  • cd ..
  • cd x_references .
  • cp /file_path_way_of_reference_sequence_you_want_to_use .
  • Moving the reference sequence’s genome file and gene feature format file (.fa, .gff) into the x_references directory.

Step 6:

  • cd ..
  • vi VirGA_parameters.ini
  • Review the usage parameters in the file and change if needed

Step 7:

  • ./VirGA_pipeline
  • Executes the VirGA pipeline, to use qstat -a -u username to make sure a job is submitted you should see the job in your queue

Overview of VirGA Output

After a successful run of the VirGA pipeline, there are a number of output’s created by VirGA. Before accessing these outputs first check that all of the job’s VirGA submitted to the cluster are completed. To do this issue the qstat -a -u username command and see that the command either returns no jobs in queue or at least no jobs in queue that were created by VirGA. Then to access the various outputs complete the following step.


  • cd file_path_way_of_VirGA_Pipeline_Directory
  • We just moved into the VirGA_Pipeline_Directory

Now within the VirGA_pipeline directory, which we just moved into in the step above, there are a number of places we can go for different outputs. More specifically there are five key places we can go to for output. These are:

  • STEP_1–Preprocessing
  • STEP_2–Multi_SSAKE_Assembly
  • STEP_3–Linearize_and_Annotate
  • STEP_4–Assembly_Assessment
  • VirGA_Report...
  • x_job_files

Each of these directories and zip file has different outputs and a different organization. See the associated pages for details on the specific output files in each of these places.

STEP_1–Preprocessing Output

In order to access the STEP_1–Preprocessing output, we must move into the STEP_1–Preprocessing directory. Assuming you are in the VirGA_Pipeline_Directory complete the following step.


  • cd STEP_1--Preprocessing
  • We just moved into the the STEP_1–Preprocessing directory. We moved into this directory from the VirGA_Pipeline_Directory

Now with in this directory there are a number of additional directories:

  • after_metrics
  • artifact_filtered_reads
  • before_metrics
  • clipped_reads
  • contaminant_filtered_reads
  • properly_paired_reads
  • trimmed_reads

See below for more detailed information on the output in each of these directories.


The after_metrics directory has a number of files and directories with in it:

This directory contains the .fastq file for the actual reads that have passed through all of preprocessing. In this directory there are actually two files these files are identical one is just zipped and the other is not.
A .png image of a box plot which shows the quality score at each position on a read which is representative of all of the reads.
A report on various statistics on the reads after preprocessing has been completed.


The artifact_filtered_reads directory has two files with in it. These are:



Both these files are fastq files with reads that were just clipped for adapter, trimmed for quality and have now been filtered for artifacts. More specifically each read has been filtered for sequencing artifacts, which means that the sequencing artifacts were removed from each read.


The before metrics folder contains many directories and files. Each of these are the same as the files and directories in the after_metrics directory. The only difference is the reads and information used to generate the files and results here are all generated from reads which have not gone through preprocessing.


Within the clipped reads directory there are two files. These are:



Both of these .fastq files are the reads from the sequencer after there adapters have been clipped or removed. Whether or not adapters are removed and the sequence of the adapter removed is set on lines 57 - 61 in the VirGA_parameters.ini file that is configured prior to running of the pipe line.


With in the contaminant_filtered_reads directory there are a number of files and directories:

This file contains the reads that have been clipped for adapters, trimmed for quality and have now have been filtered for contaminants. With reads identified as contaminants removed from the population of reads.
This is the .sam file for the contaminants. Contaminants are identified by mapping all reads to the genome of potential contaminants. Reads that successfully map to the contaminant genomes are identified as contaminates. The .sam files are the associated files with these mapping processes.


With in the trimmed reads directory there are a number of files and directories:

These are the reads which have now been clipped for adapters, trimmed for quality, filtered for artifacts, decontaminated of any contaminated reads and have now been filtered for lack of a pair. Each read has an associated pair with it from the sequencer. During the prior steps of preprocessing it is possible for one read of a pair to be removed but not the other. This step removes any read which do not have a pair.
Within the Singletons directory is a single .fastq file. Singletons.fastq. This file is a .fastq file composed of all the reads which did not have another read paired with it after clipping trimming and filtering for contaminates.


With in the trimmed reads directory there are two files:



Both of these .fastq files are the reads that were just clipped for adapters and are now also trimmed. In the process of trimming the segment at the end of each read where the quality scores of bases begin to drop is removed.

STEP_2–Multi_SSAKE_Assembly Output

In order to access the STEP_2–Multi_SSAKE_Assembly output, we must move into the STEP_2–Multi_SSAKE_Assembly directory. Assuming you are in the VirGA_Pipeline_Directory complete the following step.

  • cd STEP_2--Multi_SSAKE_Assembly
  • We just moved into the the STEP_2–Multi_SSAKE_Assembly directory

Now with in this directory there are a number of additional directories and files:

  • Celera
  • clean_contigs.fa
  • Multi_SSAKE
  • rough_contigs.fa

See below for more detailed information on the output in each of these directories and files.


Celera takes the many small contigs and creates fewer larger contigs from them. In the Celera directory there are the supporting files from Celera.

The clean contigs.fa file is a fasta file which contains the fewer and larger contigs created by Celera from the rough contigs SSAKE created.


With in the Multi-SSAKE directory there are a number of directories and files:

16-0 / 16-4 / 19-0 / 20-0 / 20-4 / 29-0 / 29-4 (kmer/trimmings pairs may differ)
With in each of these directories is the associated information for each of these runs of SSAKE. The VirGA pipeline uses SSAKE to create it’s contigs from the preprocessed reads. It also does not use just one run of SSAKE. VirGA runs SSAKE 8 times each time with a different camer length (first number) and a different trim length (second number). It then takes all of the contigs created by each of these runs of SSAKE, passes them thought Celera and uses them all in Step 3 where they are alined to the reference genome and ultimately linearized. With that the camer length and trim length of each of these 8 runs of SSAKE are adjustable at line 96 of the VirGA_parameter.ini file which is configured prior to running VirGA.
These are the same .fastq files created at the end of preprocessing. These .fastq file just have small formatting differences in them which are required and specific to SSAKE.
These are the same files created at the end of preprocessing. These .fasta and .fastq files are just have small formatting difference in them which are required and specific to SSAKE.
The rough contigs.fa file is a fasta file which contains the many small contigs produced by the SSAKE.

STEP_3–Linerarize_and_Annotate Output

In order to access the STEP_3–Linerarize_and_Annotate output, we must move into the STEP_3–Linerarize_and_Annotate directory


  • cd STEP_3--Linerarize_and_Annotate
  • We just moved into the the STEP_3–Linerarize_and_Annotate directory

Now with in this directory there are a number of additional directories and files:

  • assembled_genome_before_gapfiller.fa
  • assembled_genome_before_gapfiller.gff
  • assembled_genome.fa
  • assembled_genome.gff
  • Compare_genomes
  • GapFiller
  • MUGSY_and_Maf-Net

See below for more detailed information on the output in each of these directories and files.

The assembled genome sequence and general feature format file for the assembled genome before gap filler is the fasta and gff file for the linearized contig’s prior to the running of gap filler.
The assembled genome sequence and general feature format file for the assembled genome is the fasta and gff file for the linearized contig’s which have have also had as the gaps between the configs filled by gap filler.


With in the Comapare_genome directory, there are many .fasta file and additional files. The majority of these files are files related to the running of the Compare genome program, which uses the reference genome to create the annotation (general feature format file) for the new genome created by VirGA.


Within the GapFiller directory there is all of the supporting output files for Gap Filler. The purpose of GapFiller is to fill the spaces between the linearized blocks that Maf-Net creates using the reference genome.


With in the MUSY_and_Mad_Net directory there is all of the supporting output and files for MUSGY and for Maf-Net. The files of interest generated by these steps are described above and are not located in the exact directory. With that this use of space is more likely best used to describing in concept what MUSGY and Maf-Net do.

MUGSY is an alignment software which creates synteny blocks from the contigs and the reference genome. These synteny blocks are then used by Maf-Net which will pick the best synteny blocks with respect to overlap and will further then linerarize the blocks, which can then be passed through GapFiller which will use the reference sequence to try to fill gaps between the blocks.

STEP_4–Assembly_Assessment Output

In order to access the STEP_4–Assembly_Assessment output, we must move into the STEP_4–Assembly_Assessment directory.


  • cd STEP_4--Assembly_Assessment
  • We just moved into the the STEP_4–Assembly_Assessment directory

Now with in this directory there are a number of additional directories and files:

  • Bowtie2
  • coverage_graphic.png
  • false_variants_that_were_corrected.vcf
  • feature_report.txt
  • Freebayes_SNPs.vcf
  • full-lenght_genome.fa
  • full-lenght_genome.gff
  • genome.fa
  • genome.fa.fai
  • genome.gff
  • low_coverage.gff
  • no_converage.gff
  • Samtools_SNPs.vcf

See below for more detailed information on the output in each of these directories and files.

A png image of the coverage plot for the assembled genome. Specifically it is the depth of coverage at each position on the genome. Depth of coverage is plotted on a log scale and depth of coverage is represented in number of reads. Additionally on the coverage .png there are a few tracks above and below the main depth of coverage plot, which indicate some additional features of interest.
A variant call format file which keeps a record of all of the false variants in the assembled genome that were corrected for.
A report on each of the genes in the genome of the assembled stain.
A variant call format file which keep a record of the variants found by Freebayes in the assembled genome.
The full length fasta file (.fa) and general feature format file( .gff) are the full length genome and annotation including the regions of invert repeat. These files are specific to the Herpes Simplex Virus, as it has areas of inverted repeats.
The fasta file (.fa), indexed fasta file (.fa.fai) and general feature format file (.gff) are the final assembled genome and annotation file created from the initial input of reads from a sequencer. Additionally the indexed fasta file is included here for convenient when attempting to visualize the genome from a genome browser.
A general feature format file for the areas of the genome which have low coverage. What is considered low coverage is set by you when you edit the VirGA_parameters.ini file. The threshold for what is low coverage is set on line 167 of the VirGA_parameters.ini file
A general feature format file for the areas of the genome which have none or zero coverage
A variant call format file which keep a record of the variants found by Samtools in the assembled genome.


The Bowtie 2 directory has many files in it. Many of them are specific files to Bowtie 2. Of the files the most notable files in this directory are the corrected.pileup file. This file is the pile up file which has the coverage at each position in the genome. If is the corrected pile up file because the file has been corrected so that position where there is no coverage have a zero in the coverage field instead of simply begin excluded from the file. There is also the .bam file located in this folder which is useful for loading the assembled genome into a genome browser.

VirGA_Report Output

In order to access the output, it is easiest if we first pull a copy of the zip folder to our local machine. Where we can then unzip the folder and look into the content of the unzipped folder. To do this follow the steps below:

Step 1:

  • scp file_path_way_where_you_want_the_zip_file_to_go
  • We just copied the file to the designated location above. If this is unclear visit the transferring files to and from a cluster page for general information on moving files to and from the cluster

Step 2:

  • unzip
  • We just unzipped the file

Step 3:

  • cd VirGA_Report
  • We just moved into the directory created when we unzipped the zip file

Now with in this directory there are a number of additional directories and files:

  • Aligments
  • Assembled_genome
  • QC
  • Reference
  • Variants
  • VirGA_parameters.txt
  • VirGA_Report.html

See below for more detailed information on the output in each of these directories and files.

The VirGA_report.html is an html file that when opened in a web browser will provide a nice graphical user interface that will allow for access to all of the outputs created by the VirGA pipeline.
The VirGA_parameters.txt text file is a copy of the VirGA_parameters.ini file that you edited during the set up before submission of the pipeline to the cluster. This file is useful for referencing the specific parameters you chose for the pipeline to run within.


The Alignments directory has a number of directories with in it:

The AA directory contains the CLUSTAL alignments between the reference stain placed in the x_reference directory when setting up the pipeline and the assembled genome created by VirGA. The amino acid alignments are organized by protein. With each alignment file (.aln) corresponding to a protein. The CLUSTAL amino acid alignment is a quality control check. Comparing the reference sequence and the assembled genome. It also servo to check for gross variations or differences between the assembled genome and the reference genome, with respect to amino acid composition.
The Gene directory contains the CLUSTAL aliments between the Genes of the reference stain placed in the x_reference directory when setting up the pipeline and the assembled genome created by VirGA. The gene alignments are organized by gene. With each alignment file (.aln) corresponding to a gene. The CLUSTAL gene alignment is a quality control check. Comparing the reference and the assembled genome. It also serves to check for gross variations or differences between the assembled genome and the reference genome, with respect to gene nucleotide composition.
The ORF directory contains the CLUSTAL aliments between the open reading frames of the reference stain placed in the x_reference directory when setting up the pipeline and the assembled genome created by VirGA. The ORF aliments are organized by open reading frames. With each aligment file (.aln) corresponding to an open reading frame. The CLUSTAL open reading frame alignment is a quality control check. Comparing the reference and the assembled genome. It also serves to check for gross variations or differences between the assembled genome and the reference genome, with respect to open reading frames.
The Other directory contains the CLUSTAL alignments between the reference stain placed in the x_reference directory when setting up the pipeline and the assembled genome created by VirGA. The Other alignments are organized by there id in the general feature file (.gff) for the genomes. What Other is considered, is anything within the general feature format file (.gff) which is not included in the amino acid alignment, gene alignment or open reading frame alignment, With this each alignment file (.aln) corresponds to labeled identify of the feature in the general feature file (.gff). The CLUSTAL other alignment is a quality control check. Comparing the reference sequence and the assembled genome. It also serves to check for gross variations or difference between the assembled genome and the reference genome with respect to the other features aligned.


The Assembled_genome directory has a number of files with in it. More detailed information on each of these files:

The coverage_graphic.png is a png image of the coverage plot for the assembled genome. Specifically it is the depth of coverage at each position on the genome. Depth of coverage is plotted on a log scale and depth of coverage is represented in number of reads. Additionally on the coverage .png there are a few tracks above and below the main depth of coverage plot, which indicate some additional features of interest.
The full length fasta file (.fa) and general feature format file( .gff) are the full length genome and annotation including the regions of invert repeat. These files are specific to the Herpes Simplex Virus, as it has areas of inverted repeats.
The fasta file (.fa), indexed fasta file (.fa.fai) and general feature format file (.gff) are the final assembled genome and annotation file created from the initial input of reads from a sequencer. Additionally the indexed fasta file is included here for convenient when attempting to visualize the genome from a genome browser.
The low_coverage.gff is a general feature format file for the areas of the genome which have low coverage. What is considered low coverage is set by you when you edit the VirGA_parameters.ini file. The threshold for what is low coverage is set on line 167 of the VirGA_parameters.ini file
The no_coverage.gff is a general feature format file for the areas of the genome which have none or zero coverage


The QC or quality control directory has two directories with in it.


With in the After directory there are a number of files and directories with information on the reads (generated directly from the sequencer) after preprocessing has been completed. More specificity the information generated on the reads after preprocessing includes the following directories and files:

  • reads_1.fastq_boxplot.png
  • reads_2.fastq_boxplot.png
  • paired_decon_artifact_trim_clip_reads_1_fastqc
  • paired_decon_artifact_trim_clip_reads_2_fastqc

More detailed information on each of these directories and files:

These are two sets of box plots. One for each direction polymerase works in when sequencing a particular read. The box plots show the quality score at each position on a 300 base pair representative off all reads collectively. These plots are useful for obtaining a visualization and general idea of the position on the read where quality becomes to low for confidence in the sequenced output.
This directory contains the .fastq file for the actual reads after that have passed through all of preprocessing. In this directory there are actually two files these files are identical one is just zipped and the other is not.


Wth in the Before directory there are a number of files and directories with information on the reads (generated directly from the sequencer) before preprocessing has occurred. More specificity the information generated on the reads before preprocessing is exactly the same as above, except the reads used to generate the all of the files are the reads before reprocessing.


With in the reference directory is the reference sequence (.fa) and general feature form format file (.gff) for the reference sequence that you originally placed in the x_reference directory when you were setting up the pipe line.


The variants directory has a few additional files within

  • false_variants_that_were_corrected.vcf
  • Freebayes_SNPs.vcf
  • Samtools_SNPs.vcf

More detailed information on each of these directories:

The false_variants_that_were_corrected.vcf is a variant call format file which keeps a record of all of the false variants in the assembled genome that were corrected for.
Freebayes_SNPs.vcf / Samtools_SNPs.vcf
The Freebayes_SNPs.vcf / Samtools_SNPs.vcf are variant call format files which keep a record of the variants found by the Freebayes and Samtools in the assembled genome.